Saturday, January 11, 2014

Example #4

Example #3

Lesson #5 Sixteenth Notes

Sixteenth notes are half of an eighth note.
 this is what one Sixteenth note looks like
 this is what two sixteenth notes hooked together look like. you count 1 beat worth of sixteenth notes like this: 1 e + a (continued on from one beat) 2 e + a 3 e +a

16 of these notes = one whole note ( 4 beats)

 this is a chart of all the notes we have covered so far

Example #2

Click here to see another video of me playing the harp. (Click on "click here")

Example #1

Here is the video of me playing "God Rest You Merry Gentlemen" (Click on the "here" to see the video)

Lesson #4 Continued

The video explains eighth notes.

Lesson #4 Eighth Notes

this is a chart to show how eighth notes line up with other notes. As you can see 8 8th notes equal one whole note.

You count eighth notes like this:

1 and 1 and 3 and 4

Here is how it looks like:

 two eighth notes look like this:
 same counting as before

Lesson #3 The Base Clef Staff

The base cleff continues down below the treble clef

To memorise these, there are more sayings

For the lines we say:

Great Big Dogs Fight Animals

For the spaces there are three sayings:

All Cows Eat Grass
All Cars Eat Gas
Or.. All Cows Eat Gas

Here is how the treble cleff and base clef intertwine:

Lesson #2 The Treble Clef Staff and Explaination #1

When we play music we play in different things called staffs. The most common one is the Treble Clef or G clef
 when you read music, these are the note names.
 here are how the notes line up on a keyboard. the lowest E on the treble clef is the E on the key board. 

To memo the names and where they are on the staff, we make sayings.

For the lines on the treble clef the saying is:

Every Good Boy Does Fine

For the spaces we just say the word they spell out, face.

Where note names are on the treble clef will not be the same as other clefs.

Explianation #1

The first note you see on the treble cleff ( the one with the line through it) is middle c.
 the D on this keyboard would be like the D above middle c

Lesson #1 Three Basic Note Names

There are symbols in music we use to tell how long we hold out a note.  There are three easy ones that you will learn at first. As we move on, there will be more later

 the whole not lasts four beats. 1-2-3-4-
the half note lasts three beats. 1-2-
and finally
 the first note on here is the last one. the quarter note. it only gets on beat. 1-